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Updated Research: Do I Have a Plugged Duct?
Plugged ducts and mastitis are prevalent breastfeeding conditions affecting up to 20% of women. These conditions cause breast pain and discomfort, impacting long-term breastfeeding goals. Effective management and treatment of these conditions are essential to minimize pain and discomfort and maintain breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Positions
Breastfeeding a newborn is very different to breastfeeding a six-month-old or even a 3-month-old baby. Learn which positions are best for breastfeeding your newborn, what a good latch feels like, different techniques for achieving a deeper latch, and how to know when your baby is full.

How Much Milk Does My Baby Need?
Are you wondering how much milk your baby needs? How big is your baby’s tummy, and how much can it hold? Find these answers here, and we will show you an easy way to calculate how much milk your baby needs and how many ounces your baby should eat.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding
Did you know that the Liquid Gold flowing from your breasts is doing just as much to protect your health as it is your baby’s? That’s right, the benefits of breastfeeding are not exclusive to your baby. Breastfeeding is beneficial to your own health as well, and a recent focus on the long-term benefits of breastfeeding has added new value to the Good Ole Liquid Gold. Read more to learn the many ways that both you and your baby benefit from breastfeeding and how long these benefits last.

How to Latch Your Baby for Breastfeeding
The big secret to a good latch is a tiny space at the back of your baby’s tongue. Many mothers make the common mistake of stopping just short of this space, an area which we call the “NO ZONE”. Learn here the simple concepts of a good latch and how to get a good latch when breastfeeding your newborn. As well as, how to recognize a bad latch and what you can do to fix it. And learn why the ”NO ZONE”, is no place for a nipple.

The Best Breastfeeding Positions
Breastfeeding a newborn is very different to breastfeeding a six-month-old or even a 3-month-old baby. Learn which positions are best for breastfeeding your newborn, what a good latch feels like, different techniques for achieving a deeper latch, and how to know when your baby is full.

Pumping Tips - Pump like a Pro
Breast pumps have come a long way in recent years, and you now no longer need to sacrifice style or convenience. Studies show that pumping reduces stress and releases endorphins, the chemicals that regulate feelings of love and happiness. Regardless of whether you are pumping to initiate milk supply or maintain an established supply, use these tips to work out the kinks and Pump like a Pro.