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Motherhood and Eating Disorders
This is an article about eating disorders during pregnancy and postpartum. It discusses the causes, risks, and effects of eating disorders on both mothers and babies. The article also provides information on how to get help and cope with an eating disorder. Some of the important points from this website are that eating disorders can have serious consequences for both mothers and babies, and that it is important to seek help if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

Empowered Women: Listening to Ourselves
Throughout history, women have faced great societal pressure, which made it challenging for
them to follow their own instincts. However, as times change and women become more
empowered, it is essential for each woman to recognize the importance of listening to herself
rather than succumbing to the opinions of others. By honing in on our inner voice, women
can begin to make better life decisions that align with our goals, dreams, and overall well-
being. In this article, we will explore why women should trust their own judgment when
making life choices.

Holistic Postpartum Wellness
To say that the first year of motherhood is a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Your physical and psychological well-being is in full mode recovery. You are also under constant attack by a never-ending onslaught of stimuli that demand your full and undivided attention to keep that little human alive. Transitional changes that you have to undergo once you step into motherhood can leave devastation in their wake if you don’t have a plan to manage them well. A holistic approach will help you manage this transition physically as well as mentally and spiritually.

Your Baby at Four Months
At four months, it is the end of the newborn era and the beginning of the infant age! Four-month milestones are a lot of fun to follow and explore, so stay informed but also remember to enjoy this journey with your baby.

The Relationship between Breastfeeding and Speech Development
The World Health Organization stresses its importance not just for the early months but recommends breastfeeding up until 12 months because the benefits of breastmilk continue long past infancy, and several studies have shown that breastfeeding enhances speech development and clarity.

Is It Safe to Breastfeed and Eat Sushi?
One of the first things I was advised to give up immediately was sushi. An avid sushi fan (I would literally eat sushi 4 times a week), it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. What made it even worse is that my mother insisted I had to give up sushi not just while I was pregnant but well after my daughter was born as she was adamant that sushi contaminates the breastmilk! Read on to learn if it’s safe to eat sushi while breastfeeding.

A Collection of Short Breastfeeding Stories
I got my women tribe and book club ladies to share and compare our breastfeeding stories. Our children are of various ages, from babies to teenagers, and some of us are stay-at-home moms, and some are working moms ranging from teachers to physios. It was an interesting collection of stories highlighting how normal breastfeeding is, with the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Pumping While Driving
As a new mom with an infant to care for, you probably have realized how talented you are at multitasking. And this is before you even came close to the end of your maternity leave. Juggling all the extras like nappy changes, nursing, bathing, burping, rocking, soothing, and everything in between on top of your already full cup of daily tasks is no easy feat. When you throw in your work obligations, if you are a working mom, your time is minimal, and you have to optimize it to the best of your ability. This is why being able to express while driving becomes such a valuable skill.

Why We Need Our Tribe
From the dawn of time, women needed each other to share the heavy burdens that fell upon them. They helped each other through the pains of childbirth. They joined forces in feeding and nurturing their families. They were "the village" we speak of when we say it takes a village to raise a child because they all looked after each other's children in their village. They shared their fears, dreams, hopes, sadness, and pain, but most of all, they shared their strength.

To Be or Not to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom
Sometimes, the stay-at-home option works better for moms and their families as it reduces the stressors influencing their daily life. Multitasking can take its toll on the mother's mental health. By letting go of job-related stress, moms can shift their focus to their families. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of being a working vs. non-working mom.

Mom Rage is a Real Thing
Mom rage can't be a real thing, can it? Moms are all about love and cuddles, smiles and kisses, hugs, and happy things, right? A mother will move mountains for her children, shielding them with love and care. There is no feeling stronger than a mother's love. But moms are also human. And being a mother is considered one of the most demanding and challenging jobs there is. It’s no surprise that they may experience rage at times. Read on to learn about mom rage and how to deal with it.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Breastfeeding
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a well-known condition caused by increased pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. The median nerve runs from the forearm through a passageway in the wrist (carpal tunnel) to the hand. It provides sensation to the palm side of the thumb and fingers, but not the little finger. The nerve is affected by the intense pressure from a build-up of swelling, which causes a loss in sensation in the fingers.

Can I Take Cough Mixture While Breastfeeding?
Certain cough syrups may also pose a potential danger to the infant. It is good to understand why and what ingredients to watch out for.

How Does Exercise Affect My Breastmilk?
However natural breastfeeding is, it may not come easy for some moms - many of us have to put in a lot of effort to increase our milk supply. So it is no wonder that we were very wary of anything that may compromise that precious nectar, including exercise.

When Should I Give My Baby Water?
Water is essential for life. The human body needs water to function properly because it carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, protects body organs and tissues, and helps the kidneys and liver flush out waste products. Water essentially balances all our bodily systems. An adult should drink about 3 liters of fluid per day.
However, as counterintuitive as it may seem, babies under the age of six months should not be fed water, read on to learn why.

The Benefits of Babywearing
Babies that are "worn" in a carrier benefit on an emotional level because they crave close contact with their caregivers. Studies have shown that it can lead to 43% less crying, especially in the late hours of the day when they may be exhausted. Babies feel more comforted and cry less when carried closely. Read on to learn more about the benefits of carrying your baby in a sling.

Your Partner’s Role in Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can be one of the most beautiful experiences. The closeness between mother and child, the sense of meaning and purpose, the continuation and the strength of life, the most natural and pure experience - words fail to describe what it means to us. But what about the partners? How can we get them to share these precious moments of bliss and wonder?

Thriving as a Working Mom
We are constantly plagued by the popular notion that mothers must work like we don't have children and raise children as if we don't work. As a mother, nature designed you to put the needs of others above your own. As female employees, society has placed enormous pressure on us to prove ourselves worthy and deserving of the previously male-dominated corporate world.

Breastfeeding and Cognitive Development
Over and above the well-known medical benefits of breastfeeding, the practical advantages of saving money on formula, and facilitating an easy transition to solids, there is still a point of contention over just how potent this life elixir is. To be more precise, there is an ongoing debate over the level of impact that breastmilk has on cognitive development. So, to put it simply, does breast milk aid cognitive development?

How to Treat Thrush
As a proud mommy, you notice every fold in your baby's skin and can read her facial expressions like a book. You will also immediately notice if your baby develops white patches on her tongue, lips, or inside her mouth. White patches in the mouth often indicate that your baby has thrush. Read on to learn more about why thrush develops and what you can do to treat and prevent it.