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Enjoy the Journey
We live in a world where the norm is to be driven by our constant quest for the ultimate state of happiness. However, happiness is different for different people. So how do we define happiness? Some would say that happiness is defined by the goals we set for ourselves and our ability to achieve them. These could be related to our careers, our families, or even material gain. Across the board, though, the common denominator is a constant endeavor to reach those goals.

How You Can Change Your Experience of Pain
Pain is a survival instinct. It tells the brain to switch on our fight or flight response. The brain processes this message and sets in motion all the necessary physical and chemical responses, such as activating the correct muscles or increasing the heart rate to cope with the crisis. The transition of the high alert message that something is wrong from the point of injury through the nervous system to the brain is the biology of pain. If we didn’t feel pain, we would land up impaled on a knife or frozen to death within days.

Done is Better Than Perfect
Perfectionism, as defined in psychology, is the desire to be without any flaws or to achieve exceedingly high standards in everything you set out to do. At a first glance, it should be a positive characteristic, shouldn’t it?

Why New Moms Are Not OK
Being a new mom hard because there is nothing out there that can truly prepare you for what you are about to experience. The transformation from being a young adult to a young parent is one of the most difficult challenges of our lifetime.

Parenting During A Pandemic
There are many ways to sum up the pandemonium that was the year 2020, but top of the list is “change”. It changed the way we think about the world, the way we feel about others, the way we work, and most importantly the way we parent. For those of us who usually wake up, put on our business hats (suits), and drive a few miles to our office, one of the biggest upsets was the transference to teleworking. It effectively fused those two different facets, our work life, and our home and parenting life, into one very messy and muddled blend of benefits and challenges alike.

Sharing the Parental Load
We are still in the grips of the historically imposed rules where women (no matter their career status) are in charge of the domestic duties, while men are free to prioritize their jobs. Furthermore, all the "behind the scenes" work, crucial in raising a child, is barely recognized and appreciated by the general public or those on the receiving end. Read on to find out more about how parents can share the parental load.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
There are many different ways in which sexual harassment plays itself out in the workplace. Some forms are more subtle and hard to pinpoint, and others are more aggressive, such as downright physical sexual assault. In short, sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual remark or action.

Maternity Leave Rights According to the FMLA
According to law, you cannot be fired for being pregnant. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) strictly regulate U.S. employers, preventing them from laying off employees because of pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions. Read on to find out more about your rights during maternity leave.

Queen Bee Syndrome
Although the Queen Bee phenomenon is still a common workplace occurrence, as time goes on, women understand the importance of having other women at their side. While it seems that more conclusive research needs to be conducted on the subject, this article has outlined practical strategies for coping with this phenomenon in the workplace.

Bullying in the Workplace
The Workplace Bullying Institute estimates that approximately 54 million American workers are victimized by bully behavior at some point in their careers. Dr. Judy Blando of the University of Phoenix found that up to 75% of workers are impacted directly or indirectly by bullying in the workplace. Dr. Hornstein, a social psychology professor at Columbia University Teachers College, noted that as many as 20 million Americans face daily workplace abuse.

How Women Hold Themselves Back
It is clear that unconscious gender bias is still pervasive in corporate America and that a great deal of work needs to be done to advance women's career development. Women still experience sexism and sexual harassment in the workplace, and many organizations do not offer maternity leave or childcare flexibility. In addition to these external hindrances to career development, women are impeded by their own internal barriers to success. This article intends to address how women hold themselves back from advancing in their careers and provides tangible strategies for overcoming them.

Unconscious Gender Bias
Although women in the United States are better off than they’ve ever been, they are still considerably underrepresented in the corporate and political arenas. An examination of the corporate ladder shows the number of women diminishes with increasing hierarchy. To put this in perspective: out of 195 countries, only 17 are led by women, and only 22% of women hold parliamentary seats globally. Furthermore, although more women graduate with college degrees, only 23% of S&P 500 companies have female CEOs.

Stay in Touch With the Office While on Maternity Leave
Don't let yourself be side-lined when you return from maternity leave, but also don't let staying in the loop stress you out while you should be bonding with your infant. Take time to clarify your own career goals, considering how motherhood may affect you. Once you have decided on the path ahead, start putting things in place to make the return to work after maternity leave easier.

When Not to Follow the Rules
As women, we’ve been conditioned from a young age to follow the rules. These are often centered around us being feminine, polite, looking after other people, and not challenging authority. While the topics addressed here are by no means comprehensive, this article intends to address some of the most pervasive social rules women unknowingly follow..

5 Tips for Balancing a Career with Motherhood
While we don’t want to be viewed as less capable or less dedicated to our work, we also want to give our children lots of time and attention. Striking a balance between motherhood and a career is no easy task, but it is possible.