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Why An App?
Vanessa’s vision has materialized in the development of the Leva App. One of the most well-rounded and inclusive baby apps on the market to date, the app:
Tracks breastfeeding, including which side the mother is feeding from and how long the feeding session lasts.
Tracks pumping sessions and bottle feedings.
Tracks diaper counts, including wet and dirty diapers, and consistency and color of the stool to give moms an idea of whether their baby is feeding well.
Has a milestone tracker. It provides information on what milestones babies should reach and at what age (according to the CDC), and provides advice on what to do if their baby is not achieving the milestones.
Has over 200+ high-quality, well-researched, and science-backed articles written by lactation consultants, pediatricians, doctors, physical therapists, psychologists, and career coaches.
Provides access to real one-on-one help with live consultants and coaches.
Provides on-demand video content developed by experts.