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Prioritizing Your Relationship When Your Baby Takes Center Stage
The arrival of a new baby brings joy, but it can also bring unexpected challenges to your relationship. Partners often feel neglected or demoted from their role as the number one priority, and there never seems to be enough time to do everything. Although your relationship may look different, there are ways you can navigate these difficulties and strengthen your bond.

When Joy is Overshadowed: Understanding Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a formidable opponent, but with the right support and resources, it is one that you can overcome. By acknowledging your feelings, seeking help, and embracing the support of loved ones, you can start to reclaim the joy that belongs to you and your journey through motherhood.

Getting Started With Solids
Empower Your Baby's Journey to Solid Foods with Levaapp
Embark on the exciting adventure of introducing solids to your little one with Levaapp's comprehensive guide. Discover when and how to introduce purees, move onto chunkier textures, and embrace self-feeding. Equip yourself with expert advice on introducing a sippy cup and spoon, all while ensuring your baby's nutritional needs are met with wholesome, delicious foods.
Keywords: solids, baby food, purees, sippy cup, spoon, nutrition, healthy eating, weaning, parenting

Motherhood and Eating Disorders
This is an article about eating disorders during pregnancy and postpartum. It discusses the causes, risks, and effects of eating disorders on both mothers and babies. The article also provides information on how to get help and cope with an eating disorder. Some of the important points from this website are that eating disorders can have serious consequences for both mothers and babies, and that it is important to seek help if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

An Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol, And How It Pertains To You
Recently, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine released its protocol for “Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding in Young Infants”. Here at Leva, we are firm believers in supporting mothers, and evidence-based practice. So, what does this lengthy protocol say, and how does it apply to you?

Breastfeeding With Hepatitis
Out of the many blood tests pregnant women receive, screening for hepatitis will be one of them. This is because a woman that is infected with hepatitis may pass the viral infection to her baby during the childbirth process. Hepatitis is a liver infection that is primarily transmitted through blood exposure which can easily occur during both vaginal and cesarean births. Hepatitis A and C are considered curable and people with hepatitis B usually clear the infection on their own after a few months, but some develop a chronic case and may test positive for a lifetime.

What Parents Need To Know About Twin Fascination
As interpersonal and transpersonal issues have come into the mind’s eye of social and clinical psychologists and psychoanalysts, twin attachment has become a way of understanding balanced and unbalanced / harmony and disharmony in day to day relationships between twins, siblings and other intimate persons.

Reimagining Infant Feeding: Prioritizing Maternal Mental Health as the Path to Success
The traditional "breast is best" message has been harmful to many mothers who struggle to breastfeed. The "fed is best" philosophy, on the other hand, recognizes that every mother's journey is unique and that feeding decisions should prioritize both the mother and child's overall health and well-being.

Holistic Postpartum Wellness
To say that the first year of motherhood is a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Your physical and psychological well-being is in full mode recovery. You are also under constant attack by a never-ending onslaught of stimuli that demand your full and undivided attention to keep that little human alive. Transitional changes that you have to undergo once you step into motherhood can leave devastation in their wake if you don’t have a plan to manage them well. A holistic approach will help you manage this transition physically as well as mentally and spiritually.

Breastfeeding in Netherlands
The best part about having a baby in the Netherlands, which goes hand in hand with their very naturalistic approach to early motherhood, is the enormous support when it comes to breastfeeding.

“You’re Cleared!” Postpartum Sex: What to Expect and How to Prepare
You are just now feeling semi-human again at your 6-week appointment, and your doctor clears you for SEX… Now what??

Mama, You're Not Alone: How to ask for Help
As a new mom, it's important to remember that you don't have to do everything alone. Asking for help is not a weakness but a sign of strength and self-awareness. It's common for new moms to feel like they should be able to handle everything on their own, but the truth is that it's okay to ask for help.

How to Begin Exercising Postpartum
Baby is finally here, and your days look completely different than they once did. This time in a mother's life is crucial, yet all attention is on her baby. Feed, sleep, change, repeat. For the first year of a baby’s life, there are numerous doctor appointments to check up on your baby’s health, yet - moms only have one 6-week “clearance” appointment.

Everyone Knows About The Baby Blues But What About Postpartum Anxiety?
Becoming a mother is an incredible journey filled with joy, excitement, and love. However, it can also be an overwhelming and stressful experience, particularly for first-time moms. While it’s common to experience some anxiety after giving birth, these feelings can become severe for some women and interfere with daily life.

Can You Get Rid of Stretch Marks After Pregnancy?
Throughout pregnancy, our bodies undergo so many changes it’s hard to keep track. One of the more obvious but unwelcomed changes is stretch marks. They usually appear during the second trimester of pregnancy as the body begins to stretch and fade postpartum.

Best Postpartum Exercises for New Moms
The fourth trimester is one that no one really talks about, yet it is one of the hardest for moms. Navigating your routine with a newborn is quite the task. Moms begin to feel out of touch with reality as they are sucked into the ongoing cycle of feeding, sleeping, changing, repeat. Trying to figure out your day seems impossible, and you often feel like you have lost touch with the woman you once were.

Breastfeeding and Mental Health
If you've experienced anxiety or depression in the past, you may have learned coping skills and be better prepared for dealing with postpartum depression. Unfortunately, sometimes mothers who have never experienced anxiety or depression find themselves in the depths of postpartum depression when their babies arrive. It has been found that up to 80% of women experience "baby blues" postpartum.

Birth Control During Breastfeeding
As advised by medical professionals waiting for six weeks after giving birth will not only let your body heal sufficiently but ensure that your milk supply is firmly established. When you decide to start using contraceptives, consult with your infant’s pediatrician and your gynecologist first. Those months of breastfeeding are also no easy feat. It takes a lot of work and care to maintain your supply, so you want to make a birth control choice that does not interfere but also works for your needs, health, and lifestyle.

How does Meditation Improve Sleep?
We all know the impact that a night of poor sleep has on our daily performance. That is why insomnia and other sleep disorders mean a real threat to our well-being and can aggravate stressful situations. Sleeping problems are common during pregnancy and postpartum, which can lead to great discomfort and stress. Meditation has been associated with positive changes in sleep patterns and has been proven a solid alternative to traditional insomnia treatments.

Postpartum Body Changes
When you’re pregnant, it seems as if all you’re focused on is making sure that your baby is healthy, and is growing according to all the expected milestones. However, your body has also gone through an enormous transformation during pregnancy and after delivery, but your health often gets put on the backburner as you worry about caring for your new baby and trying to navigate life on very little sleep. Many women struggle postpartum because they feel so unprepared to deal with all the new changes to their physicality, and end up anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed.